Published after the
Codex Regius manuscript of the Poetic Edda was discovered in
1643, but before it was translated into Latin and widely
published in 1787, this book is notable for
containing early German translations of Völuspá and Hávamál, and
the mythological portions of Snorri's Edda. Despite this, the
artwork is primitive and appears to consist of previously
published images repurposed for this edition.
The Idol of the Sun

1588 Johannes Pomarius'
Chronika der Sachsen und Niedersachsen
The Chronicle of Saxony and Lower Saxony
See Also
Richard Verstegan's
Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities
Gylfi speaks to the Three Aesir

After an illustration from a manuscript of Snorri's Edda
Nks 1867 4to 111v.
[Det Kongelige Bibliotek in Copenhagen]

Othin, Thor and Frigge

Trogillus Arnkiel's
Heathen-Religion (1691)

based on a woodcut from
Olaus Magnus'
Description of the Northern Peoples

Heathen altar dedicated to the
or Nerthus, that is Mother Earth,
as described in Tacitus' Germania, chapter 40

based on an Altar dedicated to the Roman
Godddess Cybele
and her lover Attis, c. 295
Odin, Thor and Frigga
depicted as counterparts to three Prussian idols

This is based on the "Flag of Widewuto" depicting the
Prussian idols Peckols, Purkunas and Potrimpo
in Preussische Chronik or The Prussian Chronicle
by Simon Grunau, (d. 1530).

Based on dubious sources, Simon's popular Prussian Chronicle has been
criticized as a work of fiction, however, Grunau himself
claimed to have incorporated information from an ancient
chronicle penned by the first Prussian Bishop (d. 1245).
According to legend, the brothers Widewuto and Bruteno were
kings of the Cimbri, who were driven from their homeland by
Goths and so migrated to the primitive land of Ulmiganea. Widewuto
and Bruteno taught the people there agriculture and
civilized the region, naming it Prussia after Bruteno
(Pruteno). As king, Widewuto ruled wisely and issued laws
regulating family life, public life, and criminal law.
Bruteno served as his high priest (criwo cyrwaito) in charge
of religious life. Widewuto had 12 sons, whose names are
immortalized in the 12 districts of Old Prussia:
Lithuania was named for the king's eldest son
Litvas, Sudovia was named for his son Sudo, and so on.
At the age of 116, Widewuto and Bruteno immolated themselves
in a religious ceremony in the temple of Romuva, where the
brothers were then worshiped as the god Wurskaito. They are
known from writings of 16th-century chroniclers Erasmus
Stella, Simon Grunau, and Lucas David.
The Widewuto flag, which Grunau reproduced in his
bears portraits of three Prussian gods, accompanied
by a series of mysterious symbols, somewhat similar
to Cyrillic. On the left is Peckols, the
god of the underworld, an old man with white beard and a
white scarf covering his head. In the center sits the
thunder god, Perkūnas, with fiery hair. Patrimpas, the
god of crops, portrayed as a beardless youth wearing a
wreath of grain, appears to the right.
The Collato Episcopi Varmiensis, c. 1418, a letter
from the Bishop of Warmia to Pope Martin V, brags that due
to Teutonic efforts to Christianize the Prussians,
they no longer worshiped Patollu and Natrimpe. Patollu which
can mean "evil, hellish" is usually identified as Peckols,
the angry god of the underworld, and Natrimpe as Potrimpo,
god of seas or grain. Purkunas, the Slavic thunder god,
traditionally corresponds to Thor.