The swastika symbol features prominently in this artwork.
Drawn three
decades before the rise of the Nazi regime in Germany,
the swastika is used here as an ancient pagan sun-wheel without racist or
anti-Semitic connotations.
Hávamál |

The Guests' Wisdom

Odin and Billing's
Daughter |
Odin and Gunnlöd

Odin's Self-Sacrifice

Harbarðsljóð |

"Who is that Churl of Churls
who cries across the water?"

"I fought with Hrungnir" |
"Keep on the left hand way until you reach Verland!"

Odin on Sleipnir |
Þrymskviða |
The hammer was stolen
while Thor slept
"Hear Now Loki! The As' hammer is stolen!"

Loki flies in Freyja's falcon guise
"I would lend it to
thee, were it made of gold."

The Loki Laufey's son said, "I
will go with you as a servant, we two shall drive to Jötunheim" |

"Why are her looks so piercing?
Methinks fire burns in her eyes!"
Hymiskviða |

"You shall give the Aesir a feast!" |
"I expect you will obtain bait
from an ox!" |

"With his hammer, he struck the foul monster's head" |

From the east he saw coming, a troop of many-headed giants
"Strike at the head of is stronger than any cup!"

Thor's goat lamed in one leg |
He slew all the
Mountain-Giants who had persued him with Hymir