The swastika symbol features prominently in this artwork.
Drawn three
decades before the rise of the Nazi regime in Germany,
the swastika is used here as an ancient pagan sun-wheel without racist or
anti-Semitic connotations.

Frontispiece: Bragi and
The Principles of Translation:
Weigh, Measure, Dispute, Compare, Sift, Fathom

Völuspá |
The Völva and Niddhögg
The Sons of Borr raise Midgard
The Golden Age
The burning of Gullveig
Odin declares war with
the Vanir
Odin consults a Völva
Loki and Sigyn
The Hall on the Nástrands
The Old One in the
Ironwood and her Shepherd
The Hound Garm
Heimdall blows the Gjalarhorn |
The Dwarves moan before
the stone-doors
Fenrir breaks free
Surt Comes from the
And Beli's Bane (Frey) against Surt
Fenrir Swallows Odin
Thor Fights the Midgard Serpent
Thor Dying
Garm Howls before the Gnipa-Cave
Motsognir and Durin |
"Then Comes the Mighty

All the Powers gathered |
Sol and Mani
The Creation of the Dwarves
The Creation of Man
A Dwarf
The Norns |