Alexander Zick was born in Koblenz in 1845, the great-great
grandson of fresco artist Johannes Zick (1702-1762),
great-grandson of Januarius Zick (1730–1797), a German painter
and architect considered to be one of the masters of
the Late-Baroque, the grandson of the painter Konrad Zick
and the son of landscape and portrait artist Peter Gustav Zick.
Alexander was trained as a painter and sculptor at the Royal
Prussian Academy of Arts in Düsseldorf. He first worked as a
sculptor under August Wittig, and then studied painting
under Eduard Bendemann where he became a professional painter.
Zick then returned to Koblenz, before moving to Paris in 1864.
There he was trained in the studio of Alexandre Cabanel. From
about 1870, Zick then studied painting under Ludwig Knaus in Düsseldorf. Through the
acquaintance of Knaus, Zick moved to Berlin in 1880
where he gained fame as a popular illustrator, although he was
still active as a genre and history painter until his death in
Zick primarily produced illustrations for books and book
jackets, including novels, historical works, poetry and
fantasies. Best known perhaps for his mythological subjects,
such as “Iphigenia” and “Psyche Conducted Across the Styx,” he
once suggested as his best picture “In the Hour of Suffering,”
one in a series of Christian religious pictures under the
inclusive title, “I Am With You Every Day” which attracted
a good deal of attention from the German public (Stand Magazine,
1906). He made numerous drawings for family and youth magazines
such as The Gazebo, and illustrated an edition of Goethe's
Faust. Near the end of his career, he also designed German bank
notes, the five Mark Reichskassenschein 1904 and the ten
Mark Reichskassenschein 1906.
These black and white reproductions published in Wagner's
Germanische Göttersagen are all that remain of his beautiful
depictions of Old Norse gods and goddesses. They must have been
composed in vibrant color as can be seen from other examples of
Zick's work that follow.

Hansel and Gretel

Frederich II and his bride
Isabella arrive in England