Adam of Bremen, Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae
pontificum IV, 26: "Now we shall say a few
words about the superstitions of the Swedes. That folk has a
very famous temple called Uppsala, situated not far from the
city of Sigtuna and Björkö. In this temple, entirely decked
out in gold, the people worship the statues of three gods in
such wise that the mightiest of them, Thor, occupies a
throne in the middle of the chamber; Wotan and Frikko have
places on either side. The significance of these gods is as
follows: Thor, they say, presides over the air, which
governs the thunder and lightning, the winds and rains, fair
weather and crops. The other, Wotan -that is, the
Furious--carries on war and imparts to man strength against
his enemies. The third is Frikko, who bestows peace and
pleasure on mortals. His likeness, too, they fashion with an
immense phallus."

Freyr Idol
Broddenbjerg, Jutland (535-520 BC)

Rällinge, Sweden
Snorri's Edda, Gylfaginning 24: "Njördr in
Nóatún begot afterward two children: the son was called
Freyr, and the daughter Freyja; they were fair of face and
mighty. Freyr is the most renowned of the Æsir; he rules
over the rain and the shining of the sun, and therewithal
the fruit of the earth; and it is good to call on him for
fruitful seasons and peace. He governs also the prosperity
of men."

Odin, Thor and Freyr
Skog Church Tapesty 12th

Freyr (center)
Olaus Magnus

1680 Edda Oblongata |

1691 Trogillus Arnkiel
(After Olaus Magnus)

Freyr (top right)
Di Dei Della
Mitologia Norrena

Freyr (center right)
1822 N. H. Sjöberg |

1831 Amelia Schoppe |

1845 Lorenz Frølich/ Th. Lundbye

The Gods of Uppsala:
Freyr, Odin and Thor
1848 Wilhelm Kaulbach

1852 Robert Müller
Neues Museum, Berlin

Freyr (far left), The Edda Frieze
1856 William Engelhardt

1865 Ludwig Pietsch

1876 Carl Emil Doepler, Sr.

Freyr and Skirnir
1876 Carl Emil Doepler, Sr.


Freyr, Stained Glass Design
1881 Sir Edward Cooley Burne-Jones

Freyr faces Surt

Surtr and Freyr
1885 Lorenz Frølich

Freyr exchanges his sword for Gerd
1885 Lorenz Frølich

Freyr and Gerd
1885 Lorenz Frølich

1884 Johannes Gehrts

1900 Sarah Bradish
(After Gehrts)

1901 Alexander Zick

Freyr Sits in Odin's Seat
1903 E. E. Speight

Freyr and Odin
1903 Gustav Dore |

1905 Carl Emil Doepler, Jr. |

1908 A.V.
Katarina Dahlström

Freyr Sitting on Odin's Seat
1909 Maria Klugh

Skidbladnir |

Freyr receives Gullinbursti
1920 Donn T. Crane

Freyr and Freyja
1920 Donn T. Crane

Freyr and his Chariot
1930 Charles E. Brock

Freyr and the Elves

Freyr and his sister Freyja
1930 Charles E. Brock

Freyr on Hlidskjalf
1930 Katherine Pyle |

Freyr sees Gerd
1968 Edgar D'Aulaire |

1978 Giovanni Casselli

2012 Erik Evensen |

2014 Howard David Johnson

2014 Howard David Johnson