A most valuable collection of
Slavic antiquities was found towards the end of the 17th
century, buried in the ground near the village of Prillwitz,
situated on Lake Tollenz, in the duchy of Mecklenburg,
supposedly the place where Rhetra, a celebrated Slavonic temple,
formerly stood. This discovery remained, however, unknown to the
learned world until 1771, when a description of it, accompanied
by engravings, was published by Dr. Andreas Gottlieb Masch,
chaplain of the Duke of Mecklenburg. These antiquities were
found in two metal vessels supposed to have been employed for
sacrifices, and which were so placed, that one served as a cover
to the other. These vessels contained idols, and several objects
employed in the performance of the sacrifices. All these objects
are cast from a mixture of various metals, but not always of the
same kind, because many of them have a considerable portion of
silver in their composition, while others have none. Several of
them have Slavonic inscriptions in Runic characters, but the
most part of them are in a very mutilated condition.
They had engraved upon them several
runic inscriptions; but, unfortunately, they were both melted
down for the casting of a bell, before they had been examined by
any person competent to judge of the inscriptions.
The only genuine monuments of
Slavonian idolatry which have reached our times are the idols
dug up about the end of the 17th century in the village of
Prillwitz, on the banks of Lake Tollenz, in the territory of
Mecklenburg. This village is supposed to occupy the site of the
Slovenian town of Retra, which was destroyed by the Saxons in
the middle of the twelfth century, and was celebrated in its
time for its temples and idols.
The greater part of these idols have
Slavonian names, such as Radegast, Percunust, Siba, Podaga,
Nemisa, Zislbocg, Ipabocg, Cherni Bog, Zibog, etc. (Bog in
Slavonian signifies God); several of them however have
Lithuanian names, and must belong to the Lithuanian and Prussian
idolaters, who probably sought refuge among the Slavs from their
common enemies the Christians. Both Slavonian and Lithuanian
idols correspond to the descriptions given of them by the old
chroniclers. The Slavonian divinities usually have more than one
head: many of them have on some part of their body either a
human face, signifying the good principle, or a lion’s head,
denoting the evil principle. Many have also the figure of a
beetle on them, which might denote an Egyptian origin. They are
in general only a few inches long.
The chief divinities represented by these idols are Radegast,
having the head of a lion, surmounted by a bird and Woda,
represented as a warrior, perhaps the Scandinavian Odin. These
monuments of Slavonian idolatry present a wide field for
investigation, and they prove that the nation with whose
religious worship they are connected was not a stranger to the
arts. It is difficult to ascertain whether the divinities of
Lithuanian and Scandinavian origin, which were foreign to the
Slavonians, Were adopted by them, or only found an asylum with
their worshippers when expelled from their countries by the
progress of Christianity.
The Engravings |



Vodhu (Odin?)














The eastern Slavs worshipped Peron,
or the god of thunder; Volos, the god of the flocks; Koleda, the
god of festivals, whose festival was celebrated on the 24th of
December, and it is remarkable that the common people in many
parts of Poland and Russia on that account even now call
Christmas, Koleda; Kupala, the god of the fruits of the earth,
received sacrifices on the 23rd of June, and in many parts of
Russia and Poland, St. John, whose festival falls on the same
day, is called John Kupala. Dittmar, a German writer, pretends
that the pagan Slavs did not believe in the immortality of the
soul; but this statement is sufficiently refuted by several
customs and ceremonies which they observed for the repose of the
In the ninth century the Slavs occupied a large part of Eastern
Europe. They extended from the Black Sea along the Danube and to
the westward of that river on the shore of the Adriatic,
occupying the ancient Roman provinces of Pannonia, Dacia,
Illyncum, and Dalmatia. The Slavonian settlements reached from
the northern part of the Adriatic bordering on the Tyrol and
Bavaria to the upper part of the Elbe, and they occupied the
country between that river and the Saal, as well as all the
right bank of the Elbe, extending over the southern shore of the
Baltic from Jutland to the mouths of the Vistula. From the
Vistula (with the exception of the coast of the Baltic inhabited
by another race) the Slavonians spread over all the country
between that river and the Danube. Thus they possessed the
countries which now constitute the greater part of the Austrian
dominions, Hungary, the provinces bordering on Italy and the
Tyrol, Bohemia and Moravia, a great part of Saxony, the March of
Brandenburg, Silesia, Pomerania, and the island of Rügen, to
which must be added the territory which constituted ancient
Poland, and & great part of the present Russian empire.
The Slavonian population of
Pomerania, Mecklenburg the island of Rügen, the March of
Brandenburg, and of Saxony, on the left bank of the Elbe, was
either exterminated or so completely Germanised, that the
language of their country is completely superseded by the
German; but there are traces of this language being used in
official documents in the country about Leipzig as late as the
beginning of the fourteenth century. The names of many towns and
villages situated in those parts of Germany are evidently of
Slavic origin.
The following are the Slavonian
nations now in existence:—
1. The Bohemians and
Moravians, who inhabit Bohemia and Moravia, and are
scattered in some parts of Hungary and Silesia.
2. The Poles, who inhabit the territory of antient Poland,
Silesia, and Prussia.
3. The Muscovites or Great Russians, who have a considerable
admixture of Finnish blood, and have become somewhat
orientalised by the dominion of the Tartars in Russia. They
inhabit the north-eastern provinces of Russia in Europe.
4. The Russians, who are quite distinct from the Great
Russians or Muscovites, are divided into Little Russians,
who inhabit the antient Polish provinces of the Ukraine,
Podulia, and Volhynia, now incorporated with Russia, a part
of the kingdom of Poland, Gallicia or Austrian Poland, and
some parts of Northern Hungary; and White Russians, who
inhabit a part of Lithuania, and chiefly the provinces of
Mohilof ana Witepsk, which were acquired by Russia at the
first dismemberment of Poland, in 1772, as well as a part of
the government of Smolensk.
5. The Slovacks, who inhabit the north of Hungary.
6. The Croats, who inhabit the south-west of Hungary.
7. The Illyrians, who inhabit the Austrian provinces of
Carinthia, Carniola, and Dalmatia.
8. The Servians, who inhabit Servia, to whom may be added
the Montenegrins.
9. The Bulgarians and Bosnians in Turkey, of whom a part
have embraced Mohammedanism, while others profess the
Christian religion according to the Eastern church.
The complete set of illustrations
for this find can be seen
Die Gottesdienstlichen Alterthümer der Obotriten, aus dem Tempel
zu Rhetra (1771)
Gideon Spanholz |
In 1768, first one, then another small, bronze figures
inscribed with runes, which were thought to be Slavic idols
appeared in the possession of the well-established Sponholz
family of goldsmiths in Neubrandenburg. These figures set the
northern German scholarly world in a frenzy, because among the
supposedly Wendischen runes was often found the word "Rethra"
and Prillwitz at that time was considered the site of a fabled
pagan shrine. Although there were doubts about the credibility
of the story and the authenticity of the find, the
"Prillwitz idols" were subjects of heated scholarly
debate, several times, from the outset until well into the
19th century.
As the story goes, between the years 1687 and 1697, the Rev.
Friederich Samuel Sponholz, of the parish of Prillwitz, a small
village on the borders of the Tollens Lake, or more correctly on
the southern shore of the Lips, a piece of water connected with
it, in the present Grand Duchy of Mecklenburgh Strelitz, wished
to plant a fruit-tree in the vicarage garden. For this purpose
he had a trench dug, against the declivity of a high hill which
rose immediately above it at the back of his premises. In the
progress of the excavation he chanced to uncover a metal
cauldron or vessel (kessel) in an upright position, inscribed
with runic characters. It was covered by another vessel of the
same metal, also inscribed with similar runes, as far as could
be collected from the descriptions afterwards; for both of these
vessels were allegedly destroyed before any special notice had
been taken of them. Alongwith these cauldrons, about two hundred
weight of iron implements (Eisengerathe) had also been hidden,
but this too was destroyed along with the cauldrons, and nothing
further appears concerning it. I mention it here merely to give
every circumstance noted in connection with the discovery.
Although the precise number was never ascertained, the two
vessels were said to contain over one hundred and eighty various
idols, instruments, and metal utensils, but Dr. Masch, in an
express work on the subject, described only sixty-six objects,
and Count Potocki subsequently described 110 to 118 additional
ones, and some had been melted down before their existence had
been made known to either. These figures represented,
principally, Slavonic idols, with their instruments of sacrifice
and oblation; and in Dr. Masch's opinion some of them also were
the ensigns and standards borne before their armies in time of
war, but deposited during peace in the temples of their deities.
With very few exceptions, each idol had its name inserted on
some part of the image, with the place of its location, in runic
characters, many of which were merely inscribed with a metal
point on the surface; but a good proportion also
with runes in relief, which must have been carved into the die
in which the figures were cast. They were generally small in
size, the largest image not exceeding seven and a half inches in
height, and weighing about seven pounds. The majority stood only
a very few inches high. Some of the sacrificial or oblatory
dishes had a circumference of about ten inches, but, being
formed merely of interlacing bars of an oval form, the largest
of them weighed only two pounds eleven ounces.
The composition of the metal in which they were made was
various. The general character, however, is a white metal,
unequally mixed in different objects, and often in the same
figure; most of them may be, however, stated as bronze, of a
similar composition to what the general run of lance-heads,
celts, knives, &c. consist, which are found in opening the early
tumuli of all European countries. The only notice of the
discovery in England, in the Gentleman's Magazine, vol. xxxviii.
1768, p. 141 reads:—
"A brass chest has lately been
discovered under a high hill, in the duchy of Mecklenburg
Strelitz, in which was inclosed thirty golden idols, with
urns and instruments of sacrifice; on the back of one of the
idols the words 'Radegast, Raetra,' were very legible. They
weighed about half a pound each."
The Reverend Friederich Samuel Sponholz, their first discoverer,
does not seem to have taken either care or trouble to improve or
benefit himself by this treasure trove; Whatever his motives,
the fact is undoubted, that up to his death, in 1697, the
figures remained neglected, perhaps forgotten, during his
lifetime; and his widow, liquidating his effects, sold them,
most probably, for little more than their value as old copper,
to a goldsmith named Palcke of New Brandenburg, and, as
naturally might be expected, the iron was used up, and the two
cauldrons were melted down into bell metal. Dr. Masch
says: "Though the mass be, in part, silver, yet it is so much
alloyed with all kinds of metals, particularly with brass, that
it is of as little use to a goldsmith as it would be to the
Mint;" and to this circumstance it most probably is owing, that
we now are in possession of any of the objects." Gideon
Sponholz, the youngest son of the Neubrandenburg goldsmith
family, was a history expert. He taught in Neubrandenburg, first
at a private museum and then was allowed to conduct local
archeological excavations in search of treasure with the Duke’s
approval. First, Joachim Jaspar Johann Hempel (1707-1788), a
Neubrandenburg doctor and antique collector, acquired 35 of
these figures. Later 22 more, new idols came into the possession
of the Dukes of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
In 1770, the year following on the acquisition of part of these
figures by Dr. Hempel, the Rev. Andreas Gottlieb Masch,
superintendent of the grand Dukedom of Mecklenburg Strelitz
(answering to an English Bishop), was induced by the wish of his
friend and his own taste, to compile a description of them under
the title,
"Die Gottesdienstlichen Alterthumer der Obotriten aus dem Tempel
zu Rhetra", 1770, which, being published by the court painter,
Mr. Wogen, who seems to have supplied the funds, frequently is
cited as his work. The work of Masch contains, on sixty-five
plates, figures of every article then produced, of the size of
their originals, beautifully engraved on copper for that period
and country by the court painter Wogen from oil copies by
himself, which Von Rumohr, who had seen the originals, praises
as truer delineations than were then accustomed to be seen of
historical subjects of this nature in Germany. The work was by
far the most learned and complete that had up to that time
appeared on the early history and mythology of the Wends of
Mecklenburg. In evaluating the work, Von Rumohr in his treatise
"Was an Denkmaler vorhanden ist, hat Masch mit rühmlichem
Fleisse und grosser Gründlichkeit beschrieben und theils in
treueren Abbildungen mitgetheilt als vor ihm bei geschichtlichen
Denkmalern dieser Zeit in Deutschland zu erscheinen pflegten"
comes to the conclusion—
"On comparing these circumstances one with another, we can
readily believe: ...That, therefore, these figures are the
true sacred objects of the so farfamed temple of Rhethra,
which, having lain a long time in the soil, were dug up
about seventy years back, and concealed by their possessors,
till now they are brought to light."
Wilhelm Grimm, speaking on a subject he had studied, gave what
seemed like incontrovertible proof of the authenticity of the
runes used on these Prillwitz figures; for if the runes were not
from an existing or known alphabet, their presence on these
runes can only be accounted for by the fact, that they were
inscribed when these lost and later re-discovered letters were
currently in use:
"These are runes, but neither northern nor Anglo-Saxon,
though allied to both. But are they not merely borrowed, or
deliberately altered? That will depend upon a closer
examination; and I will, therefore, mention their most
remarkable and important peculiarities. The B, in all
alphabets of that pretty uniform type, whose connection is
now under consideration, has in the figures a different
form, in at least five varieties, similar to one another,
but still equally differing from the usual B. This is the
only variation in the sixteen old runes; the other
differences are met with in the new runes, which is
certainly a weighty circumstance for the genuineness of
these Prillwitz runes; for chance it cannot be, and it would
be difficult, in designed fraud, to presuppose a knowledge
of this difference. "
Some people had doubts about the figures, but most scientists
enthusiastically accepted them as genuine finds, even the
outstanding Polish magnate, scholar, storyteller, writer,
historian and expert on oriental languages, Count Jan Potocki
(1761-1815), who is considered the founder of Slavic archeology.
The overwhelming confidence of Dr. Masch and the full agreement
of Count Potocki and of others on the subject, confirmed in a
great measure the opinions of the brothers Grimm, all of whom
had opportunities to personally inspect the objects and had come
away convinced of their genuineness.
The first doubt on the subject was raised seventy-six years
later by Herr Levezow, in a treatise in the Transactions of the
Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences, at Berlin in 1834. Having
determined to form no prejudgment, he passed, in the autumn of
1825, nearly four weeks in examining them with the grand Duke's
permission. He even went so far as to interview persons who
had been in connection with any of the three Sponholz
brothers, under oath. One Newman, then a goldsmith of Old
Strelitz, testified that Gideon Sponholz, though himself
ignorant of runes, of antiquities, and of metal-foundry, worked
in association with a clever potter by the name of Pohl, who
frequently brought him small figures of unfired clay, which he
then had cast in metal, and afterwards marked runes with a punch
like those Masch had described in the first collection. Upon
this testimony, the Prillwitz idols were renounced as fakes;
notwithstanding the testimony of three other parties, who had
been in the service of the Sponholzes as apprentices, and
afterwards as journeymen many years, who had never witnessed any
such practices.
In an elaborate counter argument, Dr. Leyser attempts to deny
the peculiarities which Grimm had found in the new runes, laying
more weight on the later and more energetic declaration of Jacob
Grimm, who, in a criticism on the Glagolitha Clozianus of Baron
Kopitar, writes:—
"But I must come forward with a
striking proof for the antiquity of the glagolithic letters
£ and B. The latter has the form of an angle or clamp
(haken) which above ends in a three-pronged fork, and
differs entirely from the common Latin-Gothic Runic,
consequently also from the Cyrillan B."
Yet exactly the same variation in these two letters is found on the
Prilwitz idols, as well as in the stones mentioned in
Wiener Jahrbücher, for 1828, vol. xliii. p. 31. These
stones, fourteen in number, were found in the neighbouring
plains round Prillwitz, and now in the Collection of the Grand
Duchy, with the bronze idols. They were first published in the
full size, and described by V. Hagenow (8vo. 1826, Loitz and
Greifswald). Some of them were found perfectly independent of
any of the Sponholz family. It is evident in regard to their
authenticity these metal and stone monuments must stand or fall
In 1855, the historian Dr. F. Lisch in the annual edition of the
Antiquities in Schwerin (Zwerin-Schwerin) pronounced a
devastating conclusion: "The entire collection is composed of
counterfeits." Since the 1850s, it has been widely held that the
"Prillwitz Idols" or at least the vast majority of them were
modeled and cast in the workshop of the Sponholz brothers.
Progress in research techniques in archaeology have led to the
conclusion that some of the molds were from recent times, while
others, while being apparently authentic, had no direct
connection with Slavic peoples. Today Slavic neo-pagans insist
that further research confirm their authenticity.
The last piece in sovereign possession was publically shown in
1945 as part of the royal collections in Neustrelitz, then after
the war was thought lost for decades, only to be rediscovered in
the late 1980s. Today the pieces belong to the collections
of the Mecklenburg Folk Museum Schwerin-Mueß, but are not part
of the permanent exhibition there. The collection can be seen in
the Sorbian museum in Hochebuze in a separate exhibition
titled "Falsified Slavic idols" displaying 170 bronze artefacts,
followed by 15 explanatory stands and nine print-posters.
Shakespeare's Puck, and His Folklore by William Bell (1842)