

Idunn gathers golden apples

Odin drinks from Mimir's Well |




Sköll and Hati
persue Sol and Mani

Svadilfari Building
Asgard's Wall |

The Theft of Idun

Loki cuts Sif's hair

Loki harries Brokk |

Until Three Giant Women Came

Skirnir Rides to Jotunheim |

Heimdall and Hnossa

Until three giantesses came

Odin the Wanderer

Odin the Godhead
from Title Page |

Odin goes to meet Mimir

Odin at King Geirröd's |

Odin enters Gunnlöd's abode

Vidar awaits Ragnarök |

Thor wrestles Elli

Thor at Thrym's

Thor fishes for the Midgard Serpent

Loki and the Dwarf Andvari

The Aesir spear and burn Gullveig-Heid

Loki eats the witch's heart

Geirrod captures Loki

Thor drives Loki from Aegir's feast

Brynhild |

Loki's Children

Baldur's Doom

Loki Bound

Fenrir and the Midgard Serpent

Detail from the Title Page |

Sigurd on Grani

The Dragon Fafnir |

Sigurd Slays Fafnir

Sigmund seized the tongue of the wolf |

Sigmund and Sinfiotli |

The Death of Sinfjolti

Brynhild in the house of flame

Gudrun delivers the potion to Sigurd

Sigurd wins Brynhild

Sigurd and Brynhild's pyre

When the Bow Breaks |