Born in the city of Bremen, Hermann
emigrated to Copenhagen in 1804, at eighteen,
to escape conscription in Napoleon's army, and went to
work in his uncle's workshop in that city, learning how to make
locks. He soon left the smithy to work in the mint as an
engraver, which left him more time to practice drawing and
modeling in the Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen.
Besides studying
mechanics, anatomy and perspective, he loved to study
history, mythology, languages and literature. When Copenhagen
was bombarded in 1807 by the English,
Freund took part in its defense. In 1811, he acquired
Danish citizenship. A man of few means,
Freund found nobody in Copenhagen
to teach and guide him in his art.
graduating from the Art Academy, Freund spent
ten years in Rome, where he became sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen's
closest assistant, before returning to Copenhagen.
For several years
Freund could not make up his mind
whether to choose engraving or sculpture for his profession.
In a letter from October 1820, Jonas Collin, the powerful
secretary of the Fonden ad usus publicos, "Fund for
Public Uses" (1803-1832),
who knew Freund from
his work at the mint and remained a faithful friend,
suggested Freund attempt to
treat subjects from Norse mythology. Collin
joined forces with some famous artists in Denmark, who, as the
Scandinavian Literary Society, offered prizes for artistic representations of Nordic mythology
in Copenhagen in 1821.
Collin personally sent his friend Freund an invitation to this
competition along with a copy of Finn Magnusen's Poetic Edda
and Adam Oehlenschläger's, new at the time, Nordens Guder
Gods, 1819).
Freund took
great interest and immersed
himself in the books, which soon caught his
During the winter of 1821-22, he modeled sketches for a series
of 12 figurines from Norse mythology including Odin, Freya, Thor, Balder,
Bragi and Idun.
Some of
the sketches are now known only through the copper
engraving by S. H. Petersen.
Freund won the competition for sculpture
sketches for statues of the Norse gods, of which only Odin was
realizedin bronze on a small scale.
1822 Loki |
1828 Odin
On the sides and back of the chair are positioned four relief
Odin on Sleipnir and three Valkyries on horseback .

1829 Thor
The Ragnarök Frieze
here for a panoramic view] |

Mimir and Baldur (right) question the Norns (center).
Three Valkyries stand to the left of the Norns.
Freund also won the prize for his
sketch for a relief of Mimir and Balder interviewing the Norns. But his
design was much bigger: he proposed a frieze in which all the
deeds and
circumstances of the Norse gods, elves, giants, and dwarves
would link together in an unending chain. However, space
considerations within the Christiansborg Palace
where the work was commissioned, forced Freund to limit
the scope of the project to Ragnarök. He drew the models for his
masterpiece, the "Ragnarökfrisen," in 1825-26.

Sketch for the Norns
The frieze
presents a rich variety of scenes (see images below), gathered
here from a number of sources.
Begun in 1827, only one long
side was installed
in the Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen when
Freund died in 1840. The remaining three sides of the
Ragnarök frieze were completed by Hermann Wilhelm
Bissen in 1841-42. The frieze was destroyed by
fire in 1884 and later restored
using surviving sketches
and from memory
by his nephew
Georg Christian Freund,
who had assisted on the original as a young man.
The Ragnarök frieze has been reproduced several times:
in the Christiansborg Palace after it was rebuilt, at
half scale
for the Museum in Odense, at full size for the
Glyptotheket, at a private mansion in
and in the "Ragnarök room" in the Carlsberg

Freund's The Ragnarök Frieze
photographed in 1833

A frieze by C.F. Hansen on a wall adjacent to H.E.
Freund's The Ragnarök Frieze
after the fire of 1884 |
H. Olrik sketched the entire
frieze in 1857, preserving the full scope of the work.
here for a panoramic view of Olrik's drawing. The following
account describes the original frieze compiled from various published sources:
We are first greeted by the three winged Norns at the Well
of Urd.
Urd and Skuld are sitting; Verdandi is shown
standing. Urd, the Past, sits as Saga (the goddess of history),
inscribing the march of time on her golden tablets; Skuld the
Future, with her hand on her cheek, sits thoughtfully lost in dreams of things to come; Verdandi, stands
nobley as the ever-present Now, holding the heavenly balance in
whose scales the cause of the Aesir sinks, boding a mighty ruin.
They are followed by three of Odin's maidens, who hear and
proclaim destiny.

Frigg, Odin's wife, sits in silent mourning beside his
Hermod, the messenger of the gods, is at her side.
In Odin's high seat Hlidskialf, the rooster Gullinkambi
Freyja, with cats at her feet, sits on the opposite side,
crying and comforted by her two daughters.
To her right sits Sif,
the mighty Thor's wife.

king of the gods, comes riding on
his eight-footed
stallion Sleipnir,
with his sword
raised, while his
two ravens, Hugin
and Munin,
caw at the Fenris Wolf. The
silent Vidar is at hand to avenge him, attended by a crowd
of other gods and their attributes.

Freya's brother Frey,
the radiant image
of the sun
on his shield, races forth on his golden Boar,
Gullinbursti, followed by Skadi
(also identified as Gefion and Gerd) with an animal
skin around her
shoulders and about to draw
an arrow from her

[Not shown] Behind them,
the Einheries, the champions of the gods, press forward from
the gates of Valhall, led by Starkodder. They are attended
by the Valkyries, all
radiant with glittering wings.
[Not shown] On a rock we see the giant eagle Hräsvelgr, who
drives the storm winds with its strong wing beats. From the
mountains, a bunch of black elves swarm forth. To Hel, the
redbrown cock crows out of the underworld. The elderly Vala
raises her hand at the fulfillment of prophecy.

The Frost-giants now hasten to attack the Aesir, led
by the malignant Loki, depicted with horns and bat wings. In
Loki's face, all the devilish delight of a Mephistopheles is
expressed. The Jotuns are not fast enough for him,
therefore, Loki pulls the lead giant impetuously by
the hand.

brood, the Midgard serpent and the Fenris Wolf have already
appeared on the battlefield.
Loki with the Giants storms toward the gods bridge.
[Not shown]
In front of them, the Vanir, who had once fought
with the Aesir,
now break out again against their old foes
to fight the final battle.
Njord, who was given to the Aesir as a hostage is now
reunited with his family at the end of days.
He leans back on his winged horse, held by one of
the Vanir, to cast a stone against Heimdall, the guardian of

kneels on the Rainbow Bridge and blows into his Gjallarhorn.
Before him are grouped his nine mothers.
The first, struck by an arrow shot by one of the Vanir,
holds her hand in front of her face in pain.
others are already entwined by the coils of the huge Midgard
Serpent, who lifts its head up to fight with Thor.

Thor swings his hammer Mjölnir against the Midgard serpent,
his belt of strength buckled about him.
Behind him, his carriage drawn by goats stands empty.
(also identified as Surtur) leads
the fire giants, Muspel's sons, swarming forth from their winged ship Naglfar with
fiery torches.
Muspel himself travels on a
sledge, drawn by
dragons. His head
is veiled, but he has
a flaming sword
in his hand portending the old world's conflagragation.
depicts the fire
giants as

At last, a new heaven and a new earth is at hand, under the mighty
sceptre and purer reign of one greater than Odin. All-Father, enthroned on a world and drawn by symbolical griffins, comes
gloriously, circled and garlanded by victories and shining
Three sphinxes
in front of his
seat refer to the mystery of
his being.

The Allfather
Freund was the first Danish sculptor to treat Norse
mythology. Although his classical training prevented him from
creating a truly Nordic work,
he must be credited as one of the pioneer artists who sought
accurately portray the Nordic pantheon based on a
knowledge of the ancient Norse sources.
His understanding of the Edda may be misguided on certain
points by Finn Magnusen's scholarly opinions and
Oehlenschläger's poetic liberties, but his grand vision
of the mythology remains unmatched.

Frigg in mourning beside Odin's throne Hlidskjalf