
Heimdall and the
Heavenly Bridge
Ing or Scef

Odin and Frigg at Heaven's Window

Frigg, Fulla and Gna

Freyja in her Car drawn by Cats

Thor in his chariot


Freyr and Gerd

Bragi and Idunn

Ullr and Skadi

Odin hanging on the World-Tree
Odin and Gunnlöd

Odin Questions Mimir

Odin at Geirröd's |

The Norns and the World-Ash

Odin and the Völva
The Volva
Odin among the Volsungs

War of the Aesir and Vanir
Idisi (First
Merseberg Charm)
Odin Heals Baldur's Horse
(Second Merseburg Charm)

Thor in Skyrmir's Glove

Thor and Geirrod's Daughter

Thor and Hymir Fishing

Thor takes his hammer from Thrym |

Thor and Hrungnir

Aegir and Ran


Baldr's Death

A Dirge for Baldr and Nanna



Loki's Offspring |

The Binding of the Fenris Wolf |

Loki's Flyting in Aegir's Hall

Sigyn and Loki
Odin goes to meet
the Fenris Wolf and Frey faces Surt
Thor Faces the
Midgard Serpent
The Twilight of
the Gods
After Ragnarök
A new earth rises from the sea

The Wild Hunt
The Procession of
the Goddess Nerthus

'Fettered ' Grove of the Semones
St. Boniface after
felling Thor's Oak

The Temple at Uppsala