Born in Blommeröd, Öveds parish, Scania, as Nils Jakob Olsson on
12 June 1816, Blómmer was a Swedish painter, who began his
career at age 20 painting portraits as an apprentice under the
painters Sven Bremberg and then Sven Olsson in Lund, where he
achieved some success. He also received instruction in drawing
by the academy master Magnus Körner there. In the Spring
of 1839, he moved to Stockholm, where he took the
name Blommér and enrolled in the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts.
After winning several medals, including the Ribbingska medal in
1842, the Tessinska medal in 1843, the Duke Medal in 1844 and
the Chancellor's medal in 1845 and 1846, among others, he
received a large grant in 1847 to travel abroad, which was
extended twice.
Best known for his paintings of figures from folk tales and folk
songs, Blómmer became a leading
force in Stockholm, in association with the Artist's Guild
formed in 1846, which set out to create "a nobler national art."
In 1847, he traveled abroad on a scholarship and made his way
through Germany, spending time with one of the nation's most
prominent romantic painters, Moritz von Schwind— a leader in the
popular movement. During his two-month stay in Germany, Blómmer
took the opportunity to acquaint himself with several of
Schwind's work on fairies, nymphs, nixies, and other folktale
creatures. In his satchel, besides Tegnér's "Frithiof's saga",
he also carried A. A. Afzelius' "Swenska Folkets Sagohäfder", which he studied
extensively during quiet hours.
Blómmer's dreams of a national art, founded on the people's own native
imagination, began to take concrete form, first in
1849, with the canvas "Älvdrömmen", owned by Director R.
Dickson, Gothenburg. Blómmer further studied in Paris at
Leon Cognief's studio, and later in Rome, where he married his
wife, the painter Edla Gustafva Jansson in November 1852. Before
embarking on the trip to Italy, he sent home two more paintings
with Nordic subjects, namely "Näcken and Ägir's daughters" and
"Älvdansen" (both in the National Museum), the latter canvas
strongly influenced by a painting with the same subject by von
Schwind. Finally, he had prepared a draft of another painting
with a fairy tale motif, namely "Asgårdsreia". Blómmer did not
intend merely to create national subjects, he intended them to
symbolize the four seasons: Älvdansen — Spring, Älvdrömmen —
Summer, Näcken and Ägir's daughters — Autumn and Asgårdsreia —
Winter. He passed away in Rome from a fatal lung infection, a
few months after his marriage, dying on 1 February 1853.

1845 Heimdall Returns the necklace Brising to Freyja
Heimdal öfverlemnar till Freja smycket

Heimdal and Freya Sketch

Loki and Sigyn

1849 Asgard-Ride

1846 Idun and Bragi

1850 The Elf-Dance or Meadow Elves
Älv-dansen or

1850 The Nixie and Ægir's Daughters
Näcken och Ägirs döttrar

1852 Freyja Seeking Her Husband
Freja sökande sin make